Transforming DNA

In 1950 few people were familiar with the science or even the concept of DNA. The most sophisticated of people believed that DNA was a permanent physical design that created their body directly from ancestral patterns. The idea of DNA changing was limited to diseases that remained way outside even sophisticated understanding, much less control. The challenges to these beliefs are unraveling faster than the DNA strands themselves.

The DNA marketplace

The current level of information about DNA from the average person on the street is driven by marketing. DNA has great advertising! The ideas are often limited to how an individual can “use” DNA. Blood or saliva samples that identify disease or track markers for ancestral claims and living relatives are predominant on the social media level.

This personal discovery model of using DNA for information on ancestors and current relatives is a great support in a culture that frequently is mobile, disconnected and searching for something more real than Netflix in relationships. Being empowered through DNA results also provides information that can serve to leverage the medical care from a “treat the symptom not the cause” system. Insurance structures are learning that DNA research is creating both costs to them and also new great as yet legal loopholes where they can claim the preexisting nature of virtually everything! Watch this in the near future as I am certain legislation will follow.

These uses of DNA are great applications as long as you don’t mind having your DNA available in every database that is nationally funded and the insurance banks in New Hampshire that collect all data even remotely connected to claims they may need to pay.

People are being taught that DNA is a book to be read rather than programs to be respectfully explored. The current known reality is that human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases - more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all people. How are we so different with such similar structure?

The DNA codes are not where your unique creative power exists! They are the computer motherboard. What you program is the next step.

I believe that the distinctions we develop in our own uniques bodies come not from the hardwired code but from the Soul, the environment, our individual and collective belief systems and choices. This aspect of genetic study is named epigenetics. I think of epigenetics as the software of our systems that interpret and activate the hardware of the codes.

Let’s look at some critically important environmental impacts that may be outside your awareness.

DNA is called the blueprint of life because it contains the instructions needed for an organism to grow, develop, survive and reproduce. DNA does this by controlling protein synthesis. This has been up until now, a somewhat if not simple system, it was at least a structure of mathematics that was reliable. This system is quickly becoming less recognizable as geneticists cut, splice and insert foreign codes into the DNA hardware.

From this corruption, we have lost control of the predictable protein combinations that make for human, animal and food health. Allowing for the natural order of chaos we are already seeing the spread of unrecognizable foods and therefore undigestible foods.


Prions are proteins gone bad. They are misfolded proteins that cannot be destroyed and if in the mammal body currently fatal. Prions are are mostly found in infected meat.Prions were discovered thirty years ago closely following the food sources for cows in the UK fed either sheep who were infected with a “virus like” disease, or some say corrupted bone meal but no one has stepped up to claim the science.

The old cliche that “the road to hell has been paved with the good intentions” bears out here. There have been repeated calls from honest research and discovery communities to slow down application of their pure genetic research until ethical guidelines are created and followed. These warnings have been ignored.

Outweighed by corporations and nations using biotechnology to design and market exotic combinations of living tissue with claims that may or may not relieve disease or suffering are in every inbox. I believe the SARs Covid is a most recent example of combining forms accelerating the disease processes beyond the natural progression of resistance from the average immune system.

The biotech virus has outsmarted the science that created it.

Pandemics have historically run their devastating course and ended rather than spawn an upswing of variants. Every organism will fight to survive. We have given viruses more weapons against us than we can manage. Their ability to mutate is being demonstrated even without the addition of manmade designer disease.

Every code that lives on the planet from vegetables and insects to children have been “improved” for various different really“good” reasons. Very few, if any, of the corporations distributing or benefitting are willing to connect the disease with the cause of the tampering.

International competition fuels this race with the goals of money, power and prestige. The female child created by spliced genetics in China was publicly chastised and privately copied. The race to have designer children is on; can exploitation not follow?

Whether my claims bear out to be accurate is less the issue than recognizing the cost of short term gain of genetic manipulation in balance to the already unleashed long term damage. We have not reached the tipping point yet. Get educated.

We are not slaves to genetics. We are creators.

Identifying the answers to the questions of health brings the requirement of next level awareness and is not necessarily easy. Remember, you are looking at your survival patterns that want to keep you safe so they will need to look at life differently to make wise choices. When you do look however, you will be ready to make different wise epigenetic choices. NEXT MONTH: HOW TO KNOW THE UNKNOWABLE FOOD

I’d love to read or hear your thoughts. Leave a comment below if you are feeling brave or schedule a 10 minute no cost call if your fears are tipping you over. My intention is to inform not terrify.

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A big thank you to MysticMag for recently inviting me to an interview! Click over to read the full article.


April 2023 Light Forum with Quantum Light Community
