Purification of Planetary Water

What you send out comes back to you hundredfold.

Decide your level of interest, intention, and commitment.

What you say “no” to can be a yes to the opposite idea. Be aware.

Be as clear as you can be in your heart and mind.

Be as clear as you can be in your heart and mind.

The energy you bring into the event circles back to you. Like water…it flows.

3/25/23 Today’s inspirational prayer suggested by Susan Armstrong Thank you, Susan!

Clearing by Martha Postlewaite

Do not try to save
the whole world
or do anything grandiose.
Instead, create
a clearing
in the dense forest
of your life
and wait there
until the song
that is your life
falls into your own cupped hands
and you recognize and greet it.
Only then will you know
how to give yourself
to this world
so worth of rescue.

Reminders: no cost daily texts to follow your intention and complete your commitment through purification prompts with an invitation to leave a comment on the community blog.

  • Recordings: 35 days Universal Peace Intention meditation recording to be experienced along with my intention each day. A second recording informing how your intention, purpose, and practice of purification makes a difference.

  • Rice Practice Tools and Prayer:

    • Step One: place three scoops of cooked white rice in two closed glass containers. Leave closed. Place chemical cutouts from the poison toxin chart (charts to deconstruct chemical aggregate in the recent and past chemical spills) under or on one container and ignore it somewhere away from your attention.

    • Step Two: send prayer to transform poison/toxin to the other container each day for five minutes with the following daily prayer: “I apologize. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.”

    • Step Three: Notice the differences in the containers without opening. Great idea for kids who need an idea of time and how prayer/thought/intention change the structure of matter. “Let’s hide it in a closet and look at the yucky one in a year! Let’s pray together for five minutes for our planet to be healthy”. Be sure they know they are not praying “to” the rice. Kids can be concrete and need explanation on how our thoughts and words make a change in the world. If you aren’t sure yourself google a good source for explaining to the age appropriate person.


Additional resources I will send you along the way:

Patricia Cota-Robles Sacred Healing Water Attunement

Water Attunement Frequency Chart to affix to your water source.

Ideas on how to anchor your thoughts to the gratitude of water.

Interested in making a Money intention instead?

Veterans Without is a veteran-led, non-profit organization.

My friend, Garret Biss, belongs to the Veterans Without Orders group. These vets have first hand experiences in areas of the world none of us want to visit. Abject poverty and illness are the norm. He was changed in this exposure and alerted to the crisis of pollution, especially water. After discharge his dream in Veterans Without Orders was to create a hands on distribution of one million sustainable water filters to third world population villages. One Million Goal foundation began

He and his crew purchase, deliver and educate villagers in the use to create and use clean water. Be inspired by videos of their latest trip paddling in a kayak with supplies to outlying groups where sickness and death are directly related to polluted water.and other essential services. Any amount you donate goes directly to supplies as the trips are “vacations” for the vets who volunteer. If you cannot spare a few dollars, spare some energy in Blessing the work. Do both.

One Million Goal

“Any efforts to eradicate suffering by fighting tyranny, poverty, or disease will provide no enduring cure if we don’t first start by providing clean water to every person alive."



In Person Time Intention- Closing Ceremony

Join a group of Shamanic Reiki Masters in person in Yellow Springs Ohio for a Water Ceremony! Whatever body of water you enjoy in person is welcome to be a participant in the ceremony. Please list your location in the comment box. We will be enjoined on Saturday April 29 at 12 noon DST. Email Lisa at for more information.

*Dates: Friday April 28 - Saturday April 29 overnight at your choice of location or come Saturday for ceremony only.

*In person at Yellow Springs Receive: Gifted Homeopathic Remedy for poison toxin of Nuclear/Glyphosate/Plastic

Our members will be present alongside us at Yellow Springs at these locations: Lake Eire/Gulf of Mexico/Atlantic Ocean/Long Island Sound during the timed ceremony at Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Send Blessings, Prayers and Donations from your Grace Bank to our waters.


Transforming DNA


March 2023 Light Forum with Quantum Light Community